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Fort Belvoir, VA

The Contractor shall actively manage performance under this task order by coordinating closely with the DTRA Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and DTRA Program Manager (PM). The Contractor shall submit monthly progress reports in accordance with (IAW) CDRL A001 and monthly program management reports IAW CDRL A002. The Contractor shall submit all reports on-time and adhere to the instructions specified in each CDRL. At the COR’s request, the Contractor shall review statuses on any open task or assignment and travel reports with the COR. Because of the multiple events and missions being executed simultaneously, the Contractor is required to provide assessment coordination to assist the NE-MA assessment teams in executing all requirements seamlessly or near seamlessly.

The Contractor is required to ascertain and coordinate all site access requirements, liaise and coordinate with DTRA and other external stakeholders and end-users, and prepare each team for deployment and conclusion of each mission or event. The Contractor shall also provide logistical coordination and ensure that the assessment teams are fully supported and resourced in a manner necessary to the conduct of assessments. The Contractor personnel shall travel both CONUS and OCONUS in support of the DTRA NEMA mission and in execution of the requirements of this PWS. When traveling to locations designated by the Department of State as a danger/hazard pay post, the Contractor shall allocate the cost of the danger/hazard pay, consistent with the allowances provided by the Department of State, to the Travel CLIN on this task order.

  • All travel must be compliant with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) unless otherwise specified by the COR. The Contractor shall follow CDRL A003 for the submittal and approval of all proposed and actual travel.
  • The Contractor shall coordinate closely with the COR to arrange travel overseas, specifically when contractor personnel are to fall under a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) or other host nation agreements and/or when Synchronized Pre-deployment & Operational Tracker (SPOT) requirements are triggered. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the SPOT clauses included in the task order in a timely manner.
  • All Contractor employees shall comply with all DTRA mandatory travel reporting policies.
The Contractor shall also manage all contractor acquired property (CAP) and Government furnished property (GFP). Contractor personnel performing work under this task order on-site will be provided with a government workspace, a laptop, computer peripheries, Common Access Cards (CACs), DTRA e-mail accounts, access to Government file servers while off-site, and office supplies. However,
  • The contractor personnel shall not use Government furnished equipment (GFE) for personal use. GFE may only be used by the Contractor for the execution of the tasks specified in this task order. 
  • The Contractor shall submit requests for replacement of GFE to the COR for processing. Lost or stolen GFE shall be verbally reported immediately, and followed up in writing within 24 hours of incident to the COR. The Contractor may be held financially liable for lost, stolen, or damaged GFE.
  • The Contractor shall submit an Equipment Procurement Plan (EPP) in accordance with CDRL A004, and the COR shall approve procurements of all items prior to the execution of any purchase totaling more than $5,000 under this task order.
  • The Contractor shall submit a GFP Inventory and Forecasting Report in accordance with CDRL A005 and the contract clauses.
Any accommodations not identified in this section are the responsibility of the Contractor for their personnel and shall be coordinated through the COR.


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